Monday, October 08, 2007

The Booth-opo-ben Day (Part Three)

Via McDonalds, we set off on our Monopoly tour (just in case I forget to mention it later, Katie actually managed to eat McDonalds for breakfast, Burger King for lunch and McDonalds for tea (I'm an Essex boy, we say tea) - I thought that was important to mention).

First stop, LIVERPOOL ST STATION (2/26):
Followed by LEICESTER SQUARE (3/26) - women were also allowed to wear the moustaches and monocles... (This was the first time we got some pretty weird looks - Leicester Square is a kinda busy place).
Anna didn't quite understand the game - she thought we had to find countries in Europe:
COVENTRY STREET (4/26) - do you know where Coventry St is? That's the one that connects Leicester Square and...
PICCADILLY (5/26) (Old man chav chic):
where Katie made us go to Burger King. This picture's kinda dark, but I want the world to see that I found Ben a balloon.
REGENT STREET (6/26) - we were flying through these - we'd be done in no time! We thought...
This is the famous VINE STREET (7/26) Ever walked past it? No, I thought not. This has to be the bizarrest choice on the Monopoly board - it's a tiny dead-end with absolutely nothing down it. Zilch. Hidden round the back of the Regent St shops, it just sits there, doing nothing. Apparently two Americans came to London to choose places for the board, and they chose this. Why? (I actually know why - do you want to know? WELL, all of the oranges have a legal connection - this used to be the site of Vine St police station, funnily enough. But now there's nothing AT ALL - but the Swallow Street to have to walk down to get there is nice and quaint. We had to walk past 'Man in Moon Passage' to get there. Katie wanted to have a photo taken there, but we realised that time might not be on our side...).
There is in fact no Marlborough Street in Central London -they actually meant Great MARLBOROUGH STREET (8/26) - so I'm told. There is a Marlborough Street in Chelsea, but apparently it's not that one.
Likewise, there's no Bond Street either! (Monopoly's turning out to be a bit of a con!) - just New and Old Bond St. We went for New BOND STREET (9/26), because that's where we were.
Obviously when going to Bond Street, I mean Old or New Bond Street, you have to go to the Disney Store. So we did. And they had a signed car there from High School Musical 2, and Katie - a schoolteacher, remember - wasn't about to let a small child get there first. Look at the determination on that face.
And look at the joy(/embarrassment) on that face.
And to bring us to a round number, here's OXFORD STREET (10/26) - lots of funny looks here - and I think the day was beginning to get to Ben...
Will we make it?? You'll see.


Plumsauce10 said...

I had never wished I had been somewhere more in my life.

Katie said...

A couple of points:

- So, you had enough time last night to update your blog... (yeh, so you do know me that well. Bothered).

- I didn't WANT to have McDonald's for dinner!

- It's got nothing to do with being an Essex boy. You're a Southerner, you say 'dinner'. End of.

- You're just jealous you didn't have your photo taken in the car of dreams...

- Man, we look tired in all those photos.

Evie said...

What fun! Next time I come to London, I want you all for tour guides!

Lucia said...

wie langweilig muss euch eigentlich sein??? Aber ich finds trotzdem lustig. schöne grüße aus Freiburg (auch an Pat)

Daniel said...

Hey, I think I've even been at every site there yet (including Burger King ^^ ... hmm... maybe excluding that strange Vine St :-p .. I don't want to lie.. let's say most of the sites ;-p)... still I regret that I couldn't take part now. Do i get back my advances for the event??? :D

Anna said... wasnt about the countries...but...ohoh...does that mean that I didnt acctualy win?! and...if it wasnt to find countries...why did we spent a whole day running around London????

Sarah goes canada said...
und wisst ihr was??
ich bin heute doch tatsaechlich durch die Bond street in Toronto gelaufen.
Warum ich das so genau weiss??
...wir hatten nen anruf bekommen und derjenige hat uns gefragt wo wir sind.
hehe find ich lustig!
also kommt alle zu mir und dann koennt ihr n foto von der originalen bond street machen!!;)