Saturday, May 17, 2008

Phlog (Photo Log)

My German friend Patrick has been living in ol’ Blighty for a good eight months now. We don’t get to meet up much because we’re both lead too darn interesting lives. Last time we met up we went on a tour of all things Army (click on January 2008 in the right-hand column for the pictures) and the time before that we visited all the places on the Monopoly board (click on October 2007 to see pictures of that – see, we really don’t meet up that often). Both of those days rocked, so the pressure was on to find something interesting to do today... What could we do...

SO, I introduced him to my friend Samuel L. Jackson...
While I had a conversation with Robin Williams about bringing Mork and Mindy back. He explained why it just wasn't possible... I stopped to chat with Ant and Dec about my latest film project... Before stopping to chat with those less fortunate than ourselves... Patrick explained his latest film idea to Spielberg, who really just seemed more interested in the camera I was holding... There’s always time for a Shrek hug...But I hugged him for too long and Patrick and The Rock got annoyed with me for holding the day up. Although to be fair, it really had nothing to do with The Rock...Before finding Johnny Depp just staring into the mirror (perhaps wondering when he should have stopped making Pirate movies. After the first one, Johnny.)... I showed Warney my flipper... And cycled with Lance Armstrong... While Patrick danced with Tom Jones... We rubbed shoulders with world leaders... And checked out Simon Cowell’s hairy knuckles... I had this photo with my friend Britney, who – let’s be honest now – is a bit of a poser. Who carries a pole round with them just in case a photo opportunity turns up?
All in all, a fairly successful day.


Katie said...

I'm sorry, but those two look nothing like Ant and Dec!!!

(In fact, Dec reminds me of a scary puppet in one of those Goosebump stories... *shudders*)

Other than that, good work! :-D

Mitchenstein said...

'Nothing like' is a bit extreme! Although no, I agree that those are not the best.

The Goosebumps books... Man, they were great! The best one was 'Stay Out of the Basement' - but 'The Mask' (or was it something like 'The Mask of Horror'?) was so scary, I had to put it down for a bit and catch my breath before carrying on. But carry on I did.