Wednesday, October 11, 2006

And The Money Kept Rolling In...

Any excuse to use a picture from Evita... :-D

But yes, the hair went a week and a half ago - and I've not looked back since! Recent comments about the new haircut include: better, good, hot and, my personal favourite, spunky (from Australia of course!)

I still get a little shock when I walk past a mirror, it certainly feels colder and I keep going to pull the hair out of my t-shirt in the mornings, but I have to say that I do like the new look! It's grown on me - and it really has!

The money collecting - as you may have guessed from the title - is going really well. I'm quite close to a target that I never thought I'd reach and now really want to! :-D So if you said you'd sponsor me and haven't got round to it yet, here's a little reminder - sponsor me!

And if you didn't say you'd sponsor me, but are now feeling that you'd really like to - that's ok! Go with it.

Take care and catch up with ya later!


Anonymous said...

John, my Evita CD doesn't work! I'm devastated... tried it on every CD playing device I could find! So have been singing 'High Flying Adored' to myself to make up for it, but it's just no consolation.

From a very unhappy Katie.

PS. Good luck with the solo tomorrow night! :o)

Anonymous said...

I meant Saturday night, can you just change that bit?

Glyn Harries said...


Feeling a little pressured to comment after our chat at youth councils last sunday. So how much have you raised so far?