Saturday, October 21, 2006

Phased out but not fazed out!

I've been phased out!

Ok, remember in Friends where it emerges that Phoebe once tried to phase out Monica? You know, not return her calls, messages, etc. until she gets the picture and moves on? That's happened to me! I've been phased out!

It's not the best feeling, but I know I'm a great friend to have!

(By the way, I know that this is actually a picture of Monica showing Phoebe all the things she can do with the van instead of running a catering business together, but it's the only picture I could find of Phoebe and Monica together...)

As for the haircut stuff - money is still coming in nicely. I don't want to say how much has come in yet, because there's still more to come, but it's going well!

As for the new me, it's been so funny to notice the different reactions that people give me, now that I look like a thug. Someone at my church said that if they saw me walking down the road, they'd cross over. Is it wrong to be proud of that?

I stepped on the underground train last week and (seriously!) people hugged their bags closer to them. It may not have helped that I was wearing a football shirt at the same time... (although, admittedly, it was from the Faroe Islands, rather than England).

Apologies that I haven't been so good at blogging recently. University is absolutely manic at the moment. I'll get back into it, but it's taking its time...

And by the way, I still really want to do that Monopoly Day, but people seem to have forgotten about that... To all those people who said they wanted to come with me, let's sort that one out!

Catch you soon!


Anonymous said...

You've not actually mentioned why or how or who's phasing you out! Wek.

The only weekend in the near future I could do the monopoly day would prob be the weekend 18th/19th Nov (yes, Temploud weekend) but let me know anyway if you ever get round to organising it!

And on a completely random note, I'm currently reading a book by Danny Wallace called 'Yes Man', about a guy who says 'Yes' to everything. It's hilarious, and for some reason the writing style really reminds me of you (despite that, it's still really good! :oP). I think you'd like it.

Mitchenstein said...

Well I can't say who's phased me out, in case they have a really good reason for not contacting and then they'll be annoyed. But put it this way - if you're the person who hasn't been returning my calls, texts or emails, then it's you! (It's not you Katie).

And Katie, yes I am a big Danny Wallace fan myself - so it's quite a compliment for you to say that our styles are similar! :-) I did actually think that when I read his book...

If you read my blog properly though, you'd see that I started my blog about the Faroe Islands (the one before the haircut) by mentioning that very same Danny Wallace!

Unknown said...

hey you,
äh.. it was your birthday yesterday, right?
daniel and i tried to call you at midnight but you didn't answer the phone!! we had a surprise for you!! okay, now it's too late and you've to wait another year ;-)
anyway... happy birthday!!

Mitchenstein said...

Hey Lena!

Yes, thank you for the message from you and Danne. But actually my birthday's on Thursday! So it hasn't come yet!

:-D Take care and hope to hear from you soon!

Anonymous said...

I did a search on "phased out" vs. "fazed out" and your site was returned. Checked it out. Enjoyed your blogs and it gave me a break from my work. Kimberly, USA