Monday, October 29, 2007

For the Love of Puffins

"Who that ever had the privilege of knowing a puffin did not love him?"
Elizabeth Taylor, 1900s
Now, this quote (by an Elizabeth Taylor, not the Elizabeth Taylor) doesn't actually have anything to do with what I wanted to blog about today, but I discovered it on the back of a book I was having to read for uni and I felt it needed to be shared. Now I have never known, nor (therefore) loved a puffin, so I can't quite appreciate the deep truth here, but maybe someone who reads this has and can. This was for that person.

Speaking of puffins, this weekend I celebrated my 24th birthday. 24. And I'm actually pretty cool with it. I wasn't looking forward to it, because I thought it sounded a little too old and I don't like even numbers, but I'm actually pretty comfortable with my new 24ness. I had always said I would be married and maybe even have a kid by the time I was 25, so time's running on... I'll let you know how that goes.

Thanks to everyone who sent birthday cards, texts or emails - sorry for not replying, but I was actually in Denmark this weekend. I'll get back to you!

ANYWAY, the night before I went to Denmark, I met up with a few (local) friends for a birthday meal - which was very nice. Now anyone who knows my friend, Ben, will be aware that his birthday presents are usually somewhat... unusual (if something can be usually unusual - surely something that was usually unusual would, in fact, be usual). So when he gave this to me, I wasn't exactly sure what it would contain (I was thinking perhaps a bottle of some kind).
I hope I gave the right reaction when it turned out to be this:
I have no idea how he managed to conceal the pineapple's pineappliness.

The waitress summed it up when she said 'That's a random present' (we used it as a centre-piece).*

On the way home we were approached by a guy who was high on something, who wasn't the most pleasant guy we'd met (and I was very conscious that I was holding a pineapple) - it all turned out ok in the end, but there was a short spell when me and the people I was with were slightly fearful for my life... (I'm not even being melodramatic there. Well, a little).

*Without wishing to appear to favour any present from the evening, I should mention that I was also begifted with some playmobil, a book entitled Rumble in the Jungle (which I'm assured will be a heavy read) and a keyring with my face and some Yoghurty Special K on it (breakfast just isn't the same).


Anna said...

whaaatttt???? you dont love puffins???? dont you have a heart??? :-) Welcome to our group of OAT (Old Age Teenagers, is the younger and much more charming version of the famous OAP's)which means you are still alowed to behave like a teen unless you are with "real" teens, coz they would think you are just a sad old man desperately trying to be cool...take care!

Plumsauce10 said...

happy birthday John, hope the pineapple turns out to be nice and ripe and yummy to eat!!

plus 24 - your old

Half way to 48 - that's almost 50 and THATS pretty much over half way through life.

something to think about.

Katie said...

Yep, that clock is ticking... ;-)

And I was so scared that night! Especially after we left you and he started screaming down the high street at you... Sometimes, I quite like living in Southend. Other times, not so much.

Anna said...

Katie, did you hear the exact words the guy was saying? And this less than a week after John explained me that, in england, this kind of words are inaceptable...

Stacey said...

I will vouch for he fact that we did indeed fear for our lives.. mainly at he point when he ran towards us screaming to effing turn round or we will be killed...
Bet parking at farringdon suddenly seemed like a brilliant idea of Ben's after all didnt it Katie?!

Mitchenstein said...

Anna, for future reference, headcase on High Street is not the best person to be learning correct English from.

You should never use that word just to get someone's attention...

Actually, you should never use that word anyway.

And Stacey, maybe that's why I thought he was going to kill me...

Stacey said...

The thing is, i just cannot fathom the 'if im really offensive to these people, maybe they will help me find my phone' mentality.
Your pinnapple must have made him really cross John!

Anonymous said...

If i'd known my gift would have caused such a passionate outburst from the locals in the highstreet, maybe i would have thought twice about the appropriateness of the large fruit of certain tropical herbaceous perennial plants... ah well! Live and learn.

Moral: Pineapple = Drunk Magnet.

Maybe this could be utilised by the police force in some way?...