Sunday, December 30, 2007

Post-Christmas Thoughts... And Happy New Year!

So, doesn’t Christmas seem a long time ago? Here are just a few post-Christmas thoughts to round off the Christmas period. I hope you all had a fantastic and blessed time.

1. Christmas Cake
It’s no secret that Christmas Cake is one of my absolute favourite things about Christmastime. I just can’t get enough. We spent Christmas Day with my uncle and my aunt was entrusted with the job of bringing a Christmas Cake for 11 people. She had been asked to buy one that was not too big. I think she managed it:

I was like... My cube of Christmas Cake didn’t quite satisfy me...

2. Christmas Texts
As we ate Christmas dinner, my aunt (same aunt as above) received an anonymous text which had presumably been sent to the wrong person. It ran along these lines:That kept me entertained for a good long while... (I just don’t believe that the sort of person who would send a text like that would use the word ‘boobs’)

3. Christmas Presents
Now, I’m not one for going on about Christmas presents, but I have to mention one fantastic present I got this Christmas – a Salvation Army shirt from Congo/Angola. How cool is this?! Check the detail:
4. mitchenstein 365
I’ve completed my first month of My Project 365! Although my mum pointed out that there will actually be 366 days next year. Great. I have to find inspiration for a whole extra picture.

5. Carol Singing
Carol singing with the youth is always cool on Christmas Eve – here’s a photo of the gang (not the same one as one 365, as I’m on this photo – the rule with the 365 photos is that I have to take the picture myself).
6. And To Finish...
Have a fantastic New Year. Here’s to a great 2008!

So, as is the way, I ought to write a few New Year’s resolutions (my main ambitions, etc. are always featured in the mitchenstein birthday week. Well, that only happened once, but it’s going to become a tradition).

Anyway, they are these:
1. Lose the stone I’ve managed to put back on.
2. Practise the oboe a little every day... (I’m getting very good now. Well, I can do ‘We Three Kings’ and ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’, but the ‘Pink Panther’ is proving difficult. Those low C-sharps...)
3. Learn Greenlandic (for research purposes). This is going to be hard – here’s an example of a Greenlandic sentence: Kalaallisut oqalussinnaannginnera ajuusaarutigiuarsimavara.
4. Get ‘my’ gospel choir sorted out (it’s on its way, it really is! Watch this space.)

Anyway, take care and I'll speak to you soon. My mind is a little preoccupied with a departmental presentation I'm giving next week (my first), I'm looking forward to it, but I'm finding it hard to think about anything beyond that date!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...