Monday, January 07, 2008

Who Dunnit?

(Look, before we start, if you're intending to play the Murder on the Dancefloor game, you might want to skip this post, as I will be giving rather a lot away...)

So, was it the costume designers?
Was it the dancers?
Was it the choreographer or the cricket player?
Was it the newsreader or the judge?
Or was it the bumbling oaf of a TV presenter?
A brief recap...
It was, in fact, the bumbling oaf of a TV presenter. Which was kinda exciting for me, although about half-way through I realised I should at least make it look like I was trying to determine the identity of the murderer. As it turned out I did rather well - not one person guessed it was me, although the clues were there!

And here:

The Clues
1. First I said I was hiding in the cupboard because I liked the feel of silk - later I said it was to go and get my rockclimbing gear.

2. I said I would never enter Crane's dressing room again - but then later I read out a clue I had found in his dressing room bin.

3. I was just generally shifty.


After we'd finished the murder mystery, someone asked what we should do next. I, being me, shouted out my automatic answer to this question without thinking:

(If you don't want to make human pyramids, don't ask me what I think we should do: Just for future reference).

And make human pyramids we did:

The stupid ceiling wasn't high enough for the one we originally wanted to make.


Katie said...

I should have twigged when everyone else was busy making and comparing notes with each other on who the murderer could be, whilst you weren't fussed about interrogating people and instead put all your energy into an old man dance...

What a fool! (Me, not you...)

Plumsauce10 said...

this looks like a fun night that's missing one vital ingredient... me.