Saturday, February 23, 2008

For Passing My Driving Test...

To celebrate me passing my driving test, my parents took the whole family out for a meal. And of course this had to be followed by a Stars and Stripes ice-cream at the end (there’s marshmallows in there!).
So, what’s going on right now then?

Youth Councils This weekend we had Youth Councils (a regional meeting for young people in The Salvation Army) and I really got something from it, particularly the evening session (but I’ll write more about this next time). The only thing I found difficult was sitting on that rock hard floor. I don’t know – maybe it’s just me. I was exactly the same during school assemblies. Ever noticed that the people that make us sit on the floor either stand, sit on chairs or lean against the wall? (from whence we were drawn forward). REVOLUTION!


And my African Salvation Army shirt got its début...

We all travelled up together on the minibus. While waiting for said minibus, Stacey decided to decorate Paul:

There are some pretty exciting things coming up over the next few weeks and months. Next week I’ve been invited to a conference in Edinburgh, which I’m really looking forward to. I found out today, however, that I need to give my presentation in Danish... No worries though, my Academic Jumper and I will pull through.

In a few weeks I’ve been invited to sing as the guest soloist at a local concert. I’m really looking forward to this opportunity although it’s going to be a little different to what I’ve done before. It’s not necessarily a Christian concert, which is unusual for me (although I’ll be doing one or two Christian songs). When you sing a Christian song, the most important thing is the meaning and the words. When you sing a non-Christian song, people expect it to be, well, good. And that’s a little more pressure. But I’m very grateful for the opportunity.

PS: I should really point out that I passed my driving test in June 2001. My brother did pass his driving test last week, and as Dad said we should go out for a meal to celebrate, he remembered that we never celebrated my driving test. So it was a double celebration. My brother wasn’t best pleased.

1 comment:

Katie said...

131 countries? Are you KIDDING me?!

I was so pleased with my score of 43, was it really necessary to put your score on here?
