Sunday, March 16, 2008

101 Not Out: Guest Blogger 1

Guest Blogger: Richard Wright

The Blog about Nothing at All

I have to admit a certain amount of trepidation on my part. I am at best a rubbish blogger. However there is a certain kudos and prestige that goes along with bloggers I like. Glyn, Matt White, Katie, Tim Jones and as you can already tell a certain young whippersnapper called John, whose blog I am guest on today. I got John’s e-mail and thought this would be a great way to get something I write onto a more respectable blog then my own. But then I hit a slight, how do I put this, issue or snag. I didn’t really have anything to say. Which is why I am a rubbish blogger.

Sure I could talk about meeting Michael Buerke on the tube. That was fun. Except I didn’t talk to him, just saw him. Ok that’s out. Or how I hate both Italian Neo-realism films and French New Wave cinema because they’re just a bit pretentious. So pretentious I don’t want to talk about them. I could talk about the perilous life of the Salvation Army officers' kid and how when you’re not a kid anymore it still keeps you in its vice-like grip. But none of that to me is very interesting. I find my life fairly boring. I mean why is it I feel terrible every Friday without fail? I don’t know! And I am sure no-one cares.

You see, writing a good blog is as much about being able to stick it out as much as anything. Sure you have to be interesting and you must have a certain amount of the “look at me look at me look at me” attitude of a child. But it’s not a sprint. It’s a marathon. It’s the long haul flight. It’s the…….something else long. And it’s not, Mr Jones, all about being funny... One of my favourite blogs is Kirsty Caffull. I am sure Kirsty will find no offence when I say her posts are usually not a laugh a minute. But they do make me think almost every sentence I read. Which makes my head hurt and I go to Tim Jones to relieve that.

Blogging is not an art form or a science. It’s certainly not a new one. Think of cave paintings and then consider the blogger. Isn’t that some cave dwelling man simply telling all his mates what he hunted that day? As long as there have been stories there has been blogging. I mean come on it’s only really a journal and they’re hardly new. So in conclusion I say this – I might have just wasted your time. But then to a certain degree that’s exactly what I was meant to do.

Richard has his own blog here.


Andy said...

I flipping LOVE Richard's posts...

Anna said...

Rich, I have to say, there are not many people who manage to make me laugh in writing about nothing...well done!

Mitchenstein said...

Yep, I agree!

You should blog more Richard!

Anonymous said...

Well Thanyou everyone this may be the thing that makes me blog more. It's nice to hear people talk about my writing in nice terms rather then the negative things I hear at uni about my scriptwriting. So thanks.