Saturday, March 15, 2008

100 Not Out: You’re a Bit Sad, John

So this is it: my one hundredth post on mitchenstein. Because, as you may have noticed, I don’t like to allow such minor achievements to pass by unnoticed, I decided to have a little week of celebration. So this week, there’ll be a new post every day, several of which will be written by guest bloggers (the first time I’ve let others loose on mitchenstein... We’ll see how it goes!). This week I also took my 100th photo on the mitchenstein365 blog. What a week ;)
Often when people look at this blog, I get asked ‘Where do you get the time?’ or people say ‘Aren’t you really a bit sad to take your blog so seriously?’ or, in the case of Matt White, announce to everyone at youth councils that I’ll have to stop blogging as much once I get a ‘proper’ job.

Well, maybe I do take it more seriously than most. But here are my reasons. And these are fourfold:

1. Contrary to popular belief, I am actually quite a busy person, but my blog is the one chance I get at the moment to be a little creative, until things lighten up a little. And I really enjoy writing it. It’s kinda therapeutic, doesn’t take anywhere near as long to write as some seem to think, and I can write it whenever I feel like it.

2. It’s also fantastic as a reminder of what I’ve been up to – just yesterday I was reading through some old posts from 2006, reading about things I’d completely forgotten about. And man, sometimes I’m a funny guy! ;)

3. I want to show people that you can be a Christian, or a Salvationist, or a young, uniformed Salvationist and still be fun, if you know what I mean. If we look at Christians in the soaps for example – Dot Cotton, Harold Bishop, Edna Birch – who are all loveable in their own way, they still don’t do much to alter the common perception of Christians as old, set in their ways, respected to a degree, but ultimately out of touch with the modern world and struggling to find their place in it. In my own little way I want to do something to change that perception. As for being a Salvationist, it doesn’t hurt to show that The Salvation Army isn’t a dated institution, full of old ladies handing out cups of tea. This is my third reason.

4. The fourth reason must have been very important, but I can’t remember what it was...


Anna said...

okay okay, you win, i didnt think you would take it that seriously. You have very good and proper and grown up reasons to blog - I just got a bit worried about you when your only reason in about a year to ever send me a text was to ask me if I had gotten your email about your blog...

Andy said...

John, John, John, why go for the errant fourth reason? Surely stick to three good ones...

Even a rubbish non-academic like me knows that.

Tsk, the PhD students of today...