Friday, November 07, 2008

FAR7.1: Kavi!*

I may be getting on in years, but I still get excited by snow (here’s some more proof). I woke up Tuesday morning to find that quite a few inches of snow had arrived overnight (it had been falling so hard that I’d actually thought it had been raining all night – something which isn’t too unusual here...). And it was proper snow! Like when you were a kid and you’d go outside and you didn’t know where the pavement finished and where the road started, until you fell into it. Well, that’s what used to happen to me. And what happened to me on no less than five occasions yesterday...

(What was even stranger was that the schools stayed open... And you know what? If the Faroese had trains, I reckon they’d have even been running... Don’t they know how dangerous snow is?!).

Anyway, I’d just got (‘got’, not ‘gotten’) used to the fact that Tórshavn was so picturesque, and stopped taking photos every 5 minutes – and then the place went and got a whole lot picturesquer!

So here’s a couple of shots. This is an old Faroese house, complete with grass roof – and I don’t remember the last time I saw icicles like this...
The old town: A view from Tórshavn Cathedral (the Cathedral is tiny – it’s not even the biggest church in Tórshavn – but it has a certain something!):The town hall: But then it had all gone. And all we were left with was a giant skating rink...*The Faroese word for ‘snow’, in case you hadn’t guessed. Or didn’t know already.

1 comment:

Katie said...

That post reminded me of a joke.

Q: How do snowmen travel around?
A: By ice-icle.

Ha ha ha...