Saturday, January 10, 2009

Before and After

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Somewhat late, I know!)


Ok, so we’re here. Today’s a day I’ve been really excited about, but now I’m a little nervous. Those of you who read my blog regularly will know that it’s always been a dream of mine to get a gospel choir going at my church (Salvation Army) – not just because I love gospel music, but because I think it’s something that others will enjoy, invite their friends to and get excited about. And we all need a little excitement, don’t we?

Well, I started making plans a year ago, but for various reasons (me being out of the country was a big one), it got pushed back and back, and I didn’t know whether it would be possible at all.

But here we are!

The first rehearsal is tonight. Reaction to posters, leaflets and invitations has been really positive. I’ve been preparing, but I have NO idea how many people are going to be there tonight. Fifteen would be a good number, I reckon. Yep, I’d be very happy with fifteen.

So, here goes nothing!


Ten minutes before the rehearsal was due to start, there were two of us.

But I was trying to keep positive.

Five minutes before the rehearsal was due to start, there were five of us.

But I was trying to keep positive.

And then, just as the rehearsal was due to start, fifteen others came, meaning we had twenty singers, and a very happy John!

The rehearsal went really well – it was great to see so many people there. The sound was great, and people really seemed to be enjoying themselves. I know I did. Obviously the true indicator is how many come back next time, but I’m hopeful. And thankful that so many people were prepared to give something new a go.

Let’s see where this takes us!


Plumsauce10 said...

Can I come?

Katie said...

It's very good. You get biscuits. And sometimes, things blow up.