Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Day and Boxing Day

I'd planned to do a little write-up of Christmas Day and Boxing Day, but I decided against it - every family has their own traditions and way of doing things, and to be honest, it's not that interesting hearing about other people's, is it? But all the same, I thought I'd just choose 5 photos from Christmas Day that summed up what we did (so my Aussie sister can see it) and a couple from Boxing Day. I hope you all had a great Christmas and that you have an excellent New Year!

Christmas Day
1. It's great when the family can all get together. This is my aunt and Nanna.
2. The cooks at work (my cousin Molly and Uncle John).
3. Christmas wouldn't be complete without the family singalong!
4. Or presents!
5. Rounding the day off by playing Cranium (our team won!).

Boxing Day
1. I experienced the joys - for the first time - of Guitar Hero. And I rocked.
2. Anna decides to take on Paul in an Expert challenge (a brave choice).

And finally, when we played Cranium on Christmas Day, I had to draw sweat with my eyes closed - not an easy task! But I don't think I did a bad job - they got it! I thought I'd share my artwork with you as a Christmas gift:

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