Sunday, July 23, 2006


Two friends of mine from Australia were recently over and me and my bro (yes, my brother and I) gave them the guided tour of London. This was no hardship for me as I still get really excited when I see Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. I love walking through St. James’ Park (where, incidentally, I met Layo – that was weird!) and looking up and seeing Buckingham Palace emerge on the horizon…

Back to my original point – these two Australians had set themselves the task of visiting as many Monopoly places as possible. Looking at the big attractions and sitting for ages in Subway just to avoid the heat cut down the amount of time we had to spare on our Monopoly hunt (plus the fact that I had no idea where Marlborough Street, Vine Street and Coventry Street were – not knowing that Marlborough Street is actually Great Marlborough Street and the site of my favouritist shop in the world, that Vine Street is like an inch long and that I have actually walked down Coventry Street many, many times without noticing it – did anyone else know that it’s the road connecting Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square?!). That said, we managed Whitehall, Pall Mall, Northumberland Avenue (all the pinks!), Trafalgar Square, the Strand, Leicester Square, Piccadilly Circus and Bond, Regent and Oxford Streets (all the greens!) – and we have the photographic evidence to prove it.

Then I decided that I would like to visit every single place on the Monopoly board in one day (including stations, a London jail, a copper, tax office, electric company and water works – not sure I’ll ever find free parking in London or a ‘go’. The Angel, Islington doesn’t exist anymore, but there’s a plaque on the bank that replaced it, so that would do). However, this could prove slightly boring on my own (plus I wouldn’t be able to get the photographic evidence), so I’m asking if anyone wants to join me on my Great Monopoly Adventure Day.


And, of course, The Salvation Army started outside the Blind Beggar Pub on Whitechapel Road in 1865, so you get a day of fun and a history lesson too! That can't be bad...

(Before you ask – yes, I do have quite a lot of free time at the moment.)


Anonymous said...

Hehe.. If you still have LOT of free time next time I come to London I´m game :)

Timmy Magic said...

You know I have often thought of that myself... I would love to join you in your Monopolic Adventure if we can find a day to do it on! I could probably help out on the copper and prison bit!

Mitchenstein said...

Brilliant! Anybody else?! We can turn it into a group activity!

Great stuff :-D

Daniel said...

Haha! What a weird idea! :-D
Hmm... but I'd join you, of course!
And, yes, I've got a lot of free time at the moment, too.

Of course, it's hard to find the "Go!" in London or did you think you would ever get money for free anywhere?!

By the way I think, I knew that Street called Conventry. I have walked down it several times, too. :-)

Glyn Harries said...

Sounds awesome mate. If I'm free then count me in.

Oh and the whole Layo thing? I randomly bumped into her walking through Leicester Square the other day. I think she might just wander the streets of London these days.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm up for it - I heard of a church that did it as a team game that you had one day to get pictures taken at as many as possible then in the evening got together to see the pics and have a meal........but I am competitive like that.

Daniel said...

I'll build a hotel on Coventry Street then. :]

Anonymous said...

Count me in too! We can get lost on the tube, it'll be just like old times... you deny it but I remember putting complete trust in you and ending up getting on the wrong train going in the wrong direction! More than once.

(By the way I can now make it home from King's Cross. All by myself. Hurrah!)