Sunday, August 27, 2006

Portu-gals and Portu-geezers

Apologies for not blogging in a little while, but I've been in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal - that really is a stunning city. There will be more about that later... Hope everyone's had a great summer (so far - there's more to come!)

This will be a short blog (I'm still recovering from the jet-lag ;-) ), but it just dawned on me that I haven't written an update about the Great Haircut for a little while. Well, I can now tell you that we've raised just over £500 now (nearly €750), so it's all going very well! The month of the Cut is now nigh... I'm terrified.

Anyway, people have now started donating money internationally, with the first donations coming in from Germany! Thank you very much! The following message is just to tell those kind ol' Germans how they can donate, should they want to:

Hallo Deutschland! Jetzt könnt IHR auch was spenden (falls ihr das machen möchtet!) Ein guter Freund von mir in Deutschland wird das Geld überweisen. Schick mir einfach eine Mail und ich werde die Bankdetails weiterleiten. Vielen Dank!

(By the way, the title of this blog is actually irrelevant, but I came up with it on holiday and I wanted to use it... This is not my most interesting blog, but there's some good'uns coming - promise!)

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