Here's to the next six months!
So all that remains for me to do is to wish you all:
8. Toadfish Rebecchi (1797 points) We know it's going to be Harold
7. Helen Daniels (1818 points)
6. Madge Bishop (1849 points)
5. Izzy Hoyland (1967 points) Little bit of a surprise there...4. Karl Kennedy (2473 points)
3. Paul Robinson (2743 points) It'll be Harold
2. Harold Bishop (3089 points) It probably won't be Harold
and the top Neighbour is (believe it or not):
With a whopping 3385 points:
1. Susan Kinski (Kennedy, Smith, etc.) Well congratulations Susan - little bit of a surprise there, but the people have spoken. But let me congratulate myself for predicting the exact top ten last week. Congratulations Mitchenstein!
Aren't they cool? I'd like to be their friend :-D
Anyway, Christmas is coming up soon - 6 days! (5 days for all you Europeans who celebrate it on the wrong day). So that's very exciting - but it's also a very busy time for many of us. I've grown up in The Salvation Army so I've been carolling on the streets for many years, but this was the first year where I actually conducted the band. Scary stuff. I had a feeling that someone was going to hit me with something, but they didn't and people seemed to really enjoy it - and the kids played really well, so I was a happy bunny. That's right.
I haven't been posting so much as I have a big essay to be working on (I really don't have time to be doing this!) but you know how it is when you're supposed to be working... Actually the essay is going pretty well - I just need to spend time on it making it completely unitelligible to anyone who might want to read it. That seems to be what they expect in MA essays.
Of course, you're all wanting to know who came in positions 11-20 in the poll to find the best Neighbour of all time, aren't you?! My money's on Harold. So here they are:
20. Jim Robinson (630 points)
19. Billy Kennedy (682 points)
18. Dylan Timmins (726 points)
17. Janelle Timmins (798 points) No! I really thought she'd be higher than this!
16. Mrs Mangel (805 points) Another one of mine... She was classic!
15. Stingray Timmins (931 points) Them Timminses is mighty popular
14. Charlene Robinson (935 points) That's pretty low...
13. Stephanie Hoyland (992 points) Are you kidding?! She's pants!
12. Lou Carpenter (1343 points)
11. Libby Kennedy (1365 points)
OK, so Harold, Helen, Karl, Susan, Madge, Joe, Toadie, Paul... Who's it gonna be?! Sky?! Izzy?! Man, Ned better not be on that list. It has to be Harold. Well, keep posted and we'll see!
By the way, there were supposed to be pictures of Lou and Janelle in this post, but blogger won't let me add them. It says that it has, but I think we can all disagree with that.
Mentre les dones ploren, lluitaré. En la mesura que els nens tenen gana i fred, vaig a lluitar, Mentre hi hagi un alcohòlic, vaig a lluitar, Mentre hi hagi al carrer nena que ven, vaig a lluitar, Mentre hi hagi homes a la presó i que fa que la llicència per a tornar, vaig a lluitar, Mentre hi hagi un ésser humà privat de la llum de Déu, vaig a lluitar, Jo lluitaré, Jo lluitaré, Vaig a barallar.