Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Do you HoDo?

(pronounced 'hoe', as in 'hoe' and 'doe' as in a deer. A female deer.)

Now, I don't know whether 28th February is an important date to you. But I can tell you that 28th February, 2007, was the day that HoDo was born.

'What is HoDo?' I hear you ask.

After another door was slammed in my face while walking around the university today, I thought 'now, wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone held the door open for other people'. You know that it would. And thus came HoDo into the world. (HoDo = Hold Doors Open). The more people who HoDo, the better. Currently there is only one HoDo (a person who HoDoes is also a HoDo) - i.e. me. But hopefully this trend will spread.

Rules of HoDo:

a) A HoDo always opens/holds open the door for anyone (including non-HoDos), EVEN if that person may not be particularly close to the door.*

b) A HoDo always says thank you whenever someone holds open the door for him. And not just a grunt, but a proper 'Thanks!'

c) A HoDo always thanks a car that stops at a zebra crossing. (Not strictly anything to do with doors, but it's just politeness).

*Of course, if the other person is a REALLY long way away from the door, then it's ok for the HoDo to leave the door. Otherwise they'll just look weird.

Now, I know what you're thinking - I do that anyway. Well, that's great - keep it up! But wouldn't the world be a (slightly) better place if everyone was a HoDo?

I HoDo.

Do you?

(HoDo Count = 1)


Andy said...

Hi John, thanks for the comment. I think I HoDo... at least I aim to HoDo...

Is it possible to say "I HoDo therefore I am"?

Glyn Harries said...

Is this another one of those weird linguist things?

As you were describing the ins and outs of HoDo, it made me think of GlynJohnBall. I know there's not much in the way of similarities but just thought I'd bring it up anyway. Oh the memories.

Anonymous said...

Oh, thats really cute :-) I think it might be rather difficult for me to become a HoDo, because, as all english men seem to be so polite (the english, not the "pretending to be english but in reality being german") that i hardly ever get close to a door thats still close.Im also not allowed to carry anything except my handbag and im not allowd to sit in the back of the car. I try to show my politenes by tidying up but then certain people think that i have a problem with being hyper tidy!!!So, how can i possibely be a HoDo? Ay!

Anonymous said...

I do actually. It's a big deal at our school (well kids holding doors for teachers is, the teachers can do what they like...)

I give out housepoints to children to open doors for me, maybe you could try that?

P.S. I'm not going to take any 'I've been busy' excuses for poor communication from now on, someone who has time to think up and write down the rules for a cult can find the time to text people back! :-P

Glyn Harries said...

Wow Anna. Looks like everyone you know is a HoDo. The HoDo's are everywhere. Sorry John, but this is clearly not much of a breakthrough for the public consciousness. People are HoDoing left, right and centre.

Mitchenstein said...

But are they Glyn? Are they?! Anyway, they're not HoDos. The people that Anna has met are obviously just Nice People (although perfect candidates for HoDos).

Yes, Andy, you can very much say that. Well done! You get a housepoint.

Aaah, GlynJohnBall. Now there's a game worthy of a blogpost. I think I still have some photos somewhere... The only snooker-type game where thrown-ins are permitted, I believe.

The Smiths said...

Hi John

Sorry to contact you via the medium of blog, but wanted to let you know that Elliot will be continuing the family tradition by attending Southend High - you'd better warn Paul (who I assume will be a prefect next year!)

Take care


Andy said...

No, Glyn, this is just another one of those Glyn-doesn't-get-it things... ;)

Enjoy the show Wednesday?

Glyn Harries said...

Yes. And one of the only games at all to incorporate the two second thinking rule. Not to mention the table-top dance of the loser.

What a classic. I was disappointed to see that it hadn't been included in the last Olympics.