Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter and A Little Book

I'm a big fan of Easter and it was a good Easter weekend. But busy of course!

On Good Friday we had the open-air service in the High Street which went well - and the heavens opened as soon as we'd finished, so that was lucky! The band stands at the top of the High St and people from the various churches in the town walk the length of the High St carrying a large wooden cross. We certainly get noticed (you'd have to be pretty stupid to miss a big wooden cross and a big brass band) and let's hope it made some people remember why Good Friday is a public holiday.
And then Easter Sunday came. We had Easter breakfast at the Salvation Army, but being the big kid I am, I'd already eaten two Cadbury's creme eggs and a tube of mini-eggs (and I wasn't feeling the best for it, but every year's the same).

This year for Lent I'd given up fizzy drinks - and I'd found it really difficult actually. I drink nothing else. I reckon a good 75% of my body mass was Diet Coke before Lent started...
Josh very kindly brought a bottle of Diet Coke (two in fact) to the Easter Sunday morning service for me and I got stuck into them pretty much straight away. But the amount of chocolate I'd eaten, the speed at which I drank it and the fact that I hadn't had anything fizzy for seven weeks made my face go like this:
Then we went outside and played in the snow (Fortunately my uniform dried in time for the meeting).

In other news, the little book I wrote a chapter of has been published. So that's pretty exciting:
And look what I found when I went into my favourite bookshop:


Anna said...

"Hi, im looking for a book, but I dont know the title..."
"Not a problem, do you know the authors name?"
" Well, its written by several authors, one of them is John Mitchinson"
"Just a second, ill find it on our database - here we go animal ignorance!"
"The book written by John Mitchinson is called "Animal ignorance"...oh, he has got human ignorance as well" (yes, he might have that as well

Tim said...

Hi John,

Thanks so much for your message and the 'blast from the past' photos from Atlanta. What an amazing experience it was!

It was good to briefly meet you at Youth Councils.

God bless,

Timmy Magic said...

I learned a new phrase today - Her er frálíkt!

It was in a book I bought...