Saturday, March 29, 2008

We Was Robbed

So this is the Southenders team that entered the quiz night at Hadleigh Salvation Army. We were the smallest and youngest team there (on average), but we did pretty well! We came fourth out of eight teams which wasn't bad!

Having said that, we were robbed. We came fourth, one and a half points behind the team who came in third. So how were we robbed? Well, one of the questions referred to the British Crown Dependencies. 'Name the two British Crown Dependencies'. The only problem was that I knew there were three Crown Dependencies (Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man). So I got all confused. The answer was the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, but this is technically wrong as, as I understand it, the only thing that connects Jersey and Guernsey is geography. Politically they're completely seperate, so the question was WRONG.

Ok, fair enough. So we lost one point? But NO! On this round, we had played our joker, meaning we got two points for every question. Had the question been right, we would have got two more points and come in third. Third is better than fourth. It's the difference between a podium finish and a non-podium finish (There was no podium unfortunately).

And Glyn only gave our play-doh Leaning Tower of Pisa five points, when it clearly deserved more, being both recognisable and entertaining.

This was a pretty big weekend actually. On Saturday night I did the concert I mentioned a few posts ago, and I was really happy with how it went. I sang Lost, Sway (in English and Icelandic!), Everything by Michael Buble, Breath of Heaven, Bui Doi and finally We Beseech Thee from Godspell. I was pretty nervous, but really satisfied with the final result. Hopefully I'll be able to post a video or two fairly soon.

Afterwards, we went out to celebrate the concert (or was it for Anna's birthday? I forget... ;) ) to a Tapas restaurant. And it was really nice - but mega confusing. This is me working out my order:

The food was great - the only down side being that the meatballs were slightly more garlicky than we had thought. My mum refused to speak to me all day. Anna, me, Josh and Paul managed to stink out the bandroom the next morning and apparently Andy and Tracy's corner of the hall was pretty powerful during the Sunday morning meeting!

1 comment:

Katie said...

As you always say to me...

Get over it.