Christmas Day
And finally, when we played Cranium on Christmas Day, I had to draw sweat with my eyes closed - not an easy task! But I don't think I did a bad job - they got it! I thought I'd share my artwork with you as a Christmas gift:
But for me, the highlight of the carolling season is on Christmas Eve, when the younger people from the Salvation Army go to various people’s houses from the corps who might be on their own/are unwell, etc. One of the families from the corps provides us with food at the end, before most of us go to the late night service at the hall. There were 16 of us this year, and it we had a great time. The last couple of years we’ve also taken a four-part band out with us, which really adds to it (and means that the people we sing to realise it’s The Salvation Army, and open the door!).
So here’s a few pictures from the evening (the quality’s not great, because I left my camera at home and had to use my phone, which doesn’t cope brilliantly with darkness):
Sitting in one living room:
Stacey playing the horn (very beautifully, I might add!):
After a couple of readings (nicely aimed at kids and nicely religious – I haven’t spoken about religion in the Faroe Islands yet, have I?) and carols by the town band, Father Christmas (Jólamaðurin) arrived on a sleigh to light the tree. Impressed? I don’t think the crane was as invisible as the organisers may have hoped, but all the same. As he came out of the sleigh, there was a gasp around the crowd, and it was one of those moments: ‘Was that supposed to happen?’
Fortunately it was, and he did his stuff and lit the tree.
(This picture does look somewhat tragic, doesn't it?)
The crowd dispersed pretty quickly, but the surroundings they left behind were beautiful.Of course, Christmas is a busy time for the Salvationist, even when he’s living in the Faroe Islands. This weekend marked my first carolling of 2008, at the lighting of the Christmas tree in Hoyvík. I LOVE carolling :)
Mentre les dones ploren, lluitaré. En la mesura que els nens tenen gana i fred, vaig a lluitar, Mentre hi hagi un alcohòlic, vaig a lluitar, Mentre hi hagi al carrer nena que ven, vaig a lluitar, Mentre hi hagi homes a la presó i que fa que la llicència per a tornar, vaig a lluitar, Mentre hi hagi un ésser humà privat de la llum de Déu, vaig a lluitar, Jo lluitaré, Jo lluitaré, Vaig a barallar.